WMInetcq.exe WMI .net command line query tool

WMInetcq.exe WMI .net command line query tool

WMInetcq.exe WMI .net command line query tool

WMInetcq.exe is a WMI .net command line query tool. This tool allows dynamic querying of WMI from a command line.

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WMInetcq.exe WMI .net command line query tool

You can use the tool to learn how to manage computers using WMI scripting and WMI .NET. The tool allows browsing WMI objects on the local computer, a remote computer, based on your command line input.

WMInetcq.exe WMI .net command line query tool

The tool is meant to help IT Professionals and developers to learn WMI scripting and WMI .NET. The tool helps take the complexity out of writing code that uses WMI and helps developers and IT Professionals understand how powerful and useful WMI can be for managing computers.

Using the tool, you can query for management information such as the name and version of an operating system, how much free disk space is on a hard drive, or the state of a service.
The tool also allows you to browse through the available WMI namespaces and classes on the local computer to find their descriptions, properties, methods, and qualifiers.

WMInetcq.exe provides the ability to:

  • Connect to a chosen system and browse the CIM repository in any namespace available.
  • Search for classes by their name, by their descriptions or by property names.
  • Review the properties, methods and associations related to a given class.
  • See the instances available for a given class of the examined system.
  • Perform Queries in the WQL language.

Usage: WMInetcq.exe [Options]
-c [Class]WMI Class; i.e. Win32_Service
-n [NameSpace]WMI NameSpace you want to connect to. By default it is /root/cimv2
-f [FieldNames]Specify which properties of each instance to return. List the properties separated by commas (no spaces) (i.e. Name,ProcessId). Without this flag, all properties will be returned.
-q [WQL Query String]This flag allows you to specify an actual WQL query string. If specified, then it overrides the -c or -f flags. Don't use this unless you know what you're doing. e.g. "Select * FROM Win32_Service"
-w [Property=Value]Use the WHERE clause to narrow the scope of a data. .e g. State=Running (returns instances with State is Running)
-h [Host]Remote host you want to connect to. Leave it blank to connect to localhost
-d [Domain]Domain for remote computer
-u [UserName]Username for remote computer unless you want to use current login user
-p [Password]Password for remote computer
--namespacesearchList all the NameSpaces in connected machine
--classsearchLists all available classes for the given NameSpace.
--subclassesUse with above to lists all available classes for a given NameSpace, and recursive down into each class.
--nameonlyDisplay only the class name.
--properties Lists all available properties for given class and NameSpace. -c flag must present for this. Cannot use conjunction with –-methods and -–qualifiers.
--methodsLists all available methods for given class and NameSpace. -c flag must present for this. Cannot use conjunction with –-properties and –qualifiers.
--qualifiers Lists all available qualifiers for given class and NameSpace. -c flag must present for this. Cannot use conjunction with –-properties and –-methods.
--nobannerSuppresses display of program name and version at top of script output.

Examples :
WMInetcq.exe -c Win32_Service
Lists all available properties for instances of the Win32_Service class

WMInetcq.exe --nameonly -c Win32_Service
Lists only the names for instances of the Win32_Service class

WMInetcq.exe --properties -c Win32_Service
Lists available properties for instances of the Win32_Service class

WMInetcq.exe -c Win32_Service -f Name,ProcessId
Lists Name, ProcessId properties for instances of the Win32_Service class

WMInetcq.exe -n root\Policy --classsearch
Lists all available classes in root\Policy Namepace

What is WMI?
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a set of extensions to the Windows Driver Model that provides an operating system interface through which instrumented components provide information and notification. WMI is Microsoft's implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and Common Information Model (CIM) standards from the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF).
The purpose of WMI is to define a non-proprietary set of environment-independent specifications which allow management information to be shared between management applications. WMI prescribes enterprise management standards and related technologies that work with existing management standards, such as Desktop Management Interface (DMI) and SNMP. WMI complements these other standards by providing a uniform model. This model represents the managed environment through which management data from any source can be accessed in a common way.

.NET Management interfaces: Because the System.Management namespace relies on the existing COM/DCOM plumbing, the created WMI provider and its set of WMI classes becomes automatically available to all .NET applications independently of the language used (e.g. C#, VB.NET). Beyond the WMI class design and the provider development, like for scripting, the Microsoft development and test teams are not required to create, validate and test new assemblies to support a new namespace in the .NET Framework as this support is already available from WMI for free.

Software version and platform information

  • Build Year: 2009
  • Development Status : Beta
  • Operating System : 32-bit MS Windows
  • IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • Intended Audience : System Administrators
  • Programming Language : C#
  • User Interface : Command-line
  • Version: 1.0

External Resources:

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       Total downloads: 319, Upload date: March 09 - 2009

Jay :: November 06-2009 :: 06:57 PM

Where can I find the tool ?

xpipatx :: November 24-2009 :: 07:41 AM

Thank you for nice tools.

S Cranston :: April 06-2010 :: 01:13 PM

I'm trying to accesses a valid WMI class,  WMInetcq lists the class as there and WMIC.exe can display the class.

c:\kits>wminetcq   -n \root\wmi -c MSiSCSI_PortalInfoClass --properties
WMInetcq.exe v1.0 by www.digitalcoding.com
Command Line WMI .Net Query Tool

Connected to local machine

Searching Available Properties in [MSiSCSI_PortalInfoClass] Class ...


4 properties found.

c:\kits>wminetcq   -n \root\wmi -c MSiSCSI_PortalInfoClass
WMInetcq.exe v1.0 by www.digitalcoding.com
Command Line WMI .Net Query Tool

Connected to local machine

can't get data because of the followeing error
Invalid class

c:\kits>wminetcq   -n \root\wmi -c MSiSCSI_PortalInfoClass -f Active
WMInetcq.exe v1.0 by www.digitalcoding.com
Command Line WMI .Net Query Tool

Connected to local machine

can't get data because of the followeing error
Invalid class

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